If you are considering an international baby adoption, then you will need to also find a reputable agency to help guide you through the paperwork and process. In addition, when some families are hoping for a baby adoption, they employ the help of an attorney.
International adoptions are often fast and can be completed in as little 10 to 14 months from the time of application. The majority of children who are eligible for adoption are newborns, who were usually separated from their birth mother within a few days after birth. At that time, they are placed in foster care until the adoption process is complete. In addition to newborn infants, there are also sometimes older children who are seeking adoption.
Most baby adoption agencies, who help to handle international adoptions, will consider an application from either a married couple or a single woman, who is an adult and has completed a successful home study. In addition, most adoptions are given to individuals and/or families who are both emotionally and financially stable. The number of current children that an individual has, if any, is not usually a deciding factor when it comes to international baby adoption.
As a general rule, once the adoption process is finalized, the parent(s) is required to travel to their new child's country in order to pick them up. This generally takes 2 to 3 days before the paperwork is finalized and the child is allowed to exit the country. The fee for baby adoption will vary from one country to the next and will largely depend on each policy.
Due to strict immigration laws and all of the paperwork involved, individuals considering an international baby adoption should consult a local attorney. Some families have also consulted with international attornyes with great success. This will help to ensure that all paperwork and other required procedures are done properly in order to avoid delays with the baby adoption and the return home. The attorney will often be required to accompany the adopting family to pick up the child and to finalize the details of the adoption. This will help protect the rights of the new parent(s) and the child as well.
All children who are adopted abroad, and have been in the custody of the adoptive family for a period of less than two years, are required to possess U.S. immigrant orphan petitions and orphan visas before entering the United States. This process typically requires that the adoptive parent(s) be found suitable for adoption, an investigation into the status of the child be completed and finalization of the visa application.
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